
I am the Source
Shock waves of emotions
sensations rippling up my spinal column
flood my brain with information

I am only encountering my own nervous system.

This reality outside of me
is experienced within me.
Nothing is without
but only perceived to be
So it is the same with meaning
But who am the "I" that gives it meaning
Me is just one more meaning
I take granted

"I" take for granted

There is no "I"

There is no "I"
There is no
There is
And the rest is silence.
~Rise, Prophet!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rumi on the claim "I am God"

People imagine that it is a presumptive claim, whereas it is really a presumptive claim to say "I am the slave of God"; and "I am God" is an expression of great humility. The man who says "I am the slave of God" affirms two existences, his own and God's, but he that says "I am God" has made himself non-existent and has given himself up and says "I am God", that is, "I am naught, He is all; there is no being but God's." This is the extreme of humility and self-abasement.
- Jalal ad-Din Rumi


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